For most of his adult life, Francis was know to his friends as Mick. When he left Mercury he went to Dorset C.C. as an agricultural engineer. He married 3 times and had 4 children during those marriages. The last 40 years, he was with his last wife Carol, and they lived happily in North Lincolnshire.
Mick worked up to a month before he passed away as a freelance engineering manager and was very sought after in his field. He has a passion for classic cars and motorbikes and was seen regularly driving around in his Mk1 Jaguar. He was diagnosed with cancer in 2009 and as soon as he was cleared of one, another came along to bite him in the bum (literally, in one case). He was always smiling and liked by everyone.
He spoke fondly of his time with Mercury and wanted desperately to visit the old girl.
His funeral was themed for the Goodwood Revival and a good (COVID) turn out was lovely to see with a good deal of classic cars in the car park. He will be missed more than he realised.